Library Resources are given from various ministries and the forcus is based on the moral principles taught in the Torah.
Welcome Fellow Chavarim (Brothers)
A good portion of the teachings you will be reading have come from Wildbranch ministry, Sightedmoon, Torah Class, James Relf, and a few others, while there are other articles that are and will be added regularly to this library for study purposes. East Africa Torah Minsitry is based upon Romans Chapter 11. YHVH has reached out to the nations and grafted wild branches from among the nations into the natural olive tree. The natural olive tree is the covenant people of YHVH, beginning with the seed of the woman in B’reshith (Genesis) 3:15. The natural and wild branches share a common root and both take their nutrition and sustenance from this very old natural tree. We, as wild branches, have been grafted in, contrary to our nature, a nature that has been mixed with the ways of the nations.
The organized Christian church has, for two millennia, cut herself off from her roots. The modern church has, instead, planted an entirely new tree. This tree has rejected the fruit of YHVH’s feasts, His Shabbat, His Torah, and even His Name.
The East Africa Torah Minsitries’ focus is to restore the ways of our Creator to His people by teaching the Old and New Testaments from the language and culture of the people who penned them. The New Testament is crammed full of idioms, phrases, and concepts known to the observant Jew (Yehudim) living in the time of Y’shua’s ministry, but unfamiliar to modern readers. The scriptures MUST be read through the eyes and minds of the culture in which it was written.
Are you a Teacher or Pastor?
If you are a teacher of scripture, and you are teaching the Word of YHVH without going through the eyes and mind of the Hebrew culture, then you need to STOP! STOP, and take the time to soak in all the wonderful insights into, not from, the New Testament from the language, idioms, symbols, and culture of the people who wrote the New Testament. If you are a teacher of scripture, then you need to consider the following:
Do the parables in the New Testament convey their intended meaning in the Greek language?
Is the King James English awkward because the New Testament is packed full of Hebrew idiom?
Do you know what the idioms mean?
Do you know that there is abundant evidence that the New Testament was first written in Hebrew?
Are you aware that there is a place you can go to learn these idioms?
We pray that East Africa Torah Minsitry will be that place for you. We look forward to seeing more of you so come visit us at East Africa Torah Minsitry.
Shalom Alecheim!