Articles from Wildbranch – Brad Scott
Wildbranch Articles
Articles from Sightedmoon – Joseph F. Dumond
Appointed Times
Who Is Israel
The Curses
- The Blessings and The Curses
- The Covenantal Curses are upon us. Can they be Stopped
- The Covenant and The Curses – What does it all mean
- The First Curse of Terrorism
- The Second Curse of Drought & Famine
- The Third Curse of Pestilence
- The Fourth Curse of Blood Moons and Precursor to War
- The Fifth Curse of Captivity and Cannibalism
Misc Articles
- The Curses – It’s Hard to Teach These Things
- Pastors and Priests – Are you ready to break the drought curse
- The Real Terrorist of Haifa is Yehovah
- The Frog in the Pot That Will Not Repent
- Blessings and Curses-Counting the Cost
- Yeshua’s 3 Prayers & Their Relationship to the Curses
- The Wall Street Waltz
The Curse Before Your Eyes
- Zechariahs Prophecy Comes to Life
- In 1914, We were caught Sleeping and Missed the Warnings.- Will we miss them again?
- Where is the famine that was to come in 2010
- Current Financial Crisis is here for 10 Years
- Nuclear Weapons and Flying Scrolls in Scriptures
- Signs Signs Everywhere a Sign Cant you Read the Signs
- Flee When No One Pursues
- John Bolton – Restore Order or Light the Fuse of the 4th Curse
- Where do we see the Sabbatical and Jubilee Years in Scripture and Why is this important
- Fence Sitting with the Tares
- Do you see the Signs and Wonders Yehovah is doing
- Where are the Curses in Scripture. Is it God or Satan bringing this upon us.
- An Eye for an Eye- Israel PLO Peace Talks and The USA Disasters
- Fire And Fury and Power – Do you understand who the Hunter’s and Archer’s are
- Libya Egypt 911 and White Genocide South Africa-All explained in the Sabbatical cycles
- Uh O Canada
- World Events Following Bible Prophecy to a Tee
- Signs and How you react to them
- The 9th of Av, Curses, Blood Moons, & Overtaken by the Thief – Will you be caught off guard
- Do you have Wisdom – Persecution is Coming
- The World Gone Mad
- Cycles of Terror Curses and Atonement
- His Hand Stretched Out
- Others See What We see
Proving The Calendar - The Sabbatical and Jubilee Years
Chronological Order of Prophesies
"Yehovah" or "Elohim"?
- The Threshold Covenant – Will it bring You Protection or Destruction
- The Blood Covenant of Abraham and Sinai
- The Red Carpet The Door
- Sevening Ourselves to Our Husband Yehovah
- I Yehovah your God am a Jealous God
- Blessing the People
Proving Messiah from the Torah
- Where Are We Told to Expect a Messiah in the Torah-Can You Prove it
- The Messiah was Promised from the very Beginning-Have you proven it
- Messiah b Joseph Messiah b David are False Ideologies- Not Torah Based
- Do Not Add To Torah
- Where Do Scriptures Say Yehovah is to come and die
- Where does it say we are going to Sacrifice God
- Yehovah & The Fast of the First Born, The Pidyon Ha’bon
- Shma Israel Yehovah Eloheinu Yehovah Echad
- The Messiahs Name Written in the Tanach
- The Zeroah of Yehovah – To Whom is His Arm Revealed
The Name
- Our Father’s Name
- The Name Jesus & Torah Terrorists
- Yehovah or Yahweh Prove it
- Do you Pray to Yahweh or Jupiter or both
Yehovah is ONE
People & Places in Scripture
Attaining Righteousness
Exposing Deception
Other teachings
Torah to the Nation
Recommended Reading
The Creation Calendar (based on the Jewish Hillel Calendar and not Sighted Moon)
Meditation: Unity, Fasting-Derived Humility, and True Ministry
by Craig Peters
The Sign, The Seal, and the Secret
The Good News of the Reconciliation of All Things
by Craig Peters
Yair Davidiy
(Yair is the author of many books, online teachings, and videos tracing the migration of the Israelites from the Middle East to our Western nations)
Steven M. Collins
(Steven is the author of many books, online teachings, and videos tracing the migration of the Israelites from the Middle East to our Western nations)
Israel’s Lost Empires (The Lost Tribes of Israel)
by Steven M. Collins
The Two Babylons
by Alexander Hislop
The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings
by Edwin R. Thiele
Handbook of Biblical Chronology by Jack Finegan
The Star of Bethlehem, the Star that Changed the World
by E. L. Martin
or you can purchase the book
The Witness of the Stars
by E.W. Bullingers
The Glory of the Stars
by E. Raymond Capts
The Glory of the Stars (as an online documentary)
by E. Raymond Capts
Who Are You America?: Time To Lift Your Prophetic Veil
by Stephen J. Spykerman
The Prophet Mosheh and the Name of YHWH
The Stoning of the Messiah
by Rabbi Schmuel Thomson
The Hebraic Biography of Y’shua
By Professor Liebenberg of Hebraic Roots Teaching Institute
Qadesh La Yahweh Press
(Qadesh La Yahweh Press contains articles showing you the proof’s you need in order to know absolutely without any doubts when the Sabbatical years occurred in history so you too can keep them today as commanded in Lev 25.) The Seleucid Era in Judaea The Siege of Bethzura and Jerusalem John Hyrcanus’s siege of Ptolemy in the fortress of Dagon (The decree that Julius Caesar made in regards to a Sabbatical year in 43-42 BC which he mentions concerning the Jews.)
Triennial Torah Portions
Beyond Milk & Meat
The Trial of Joseph Dumond
Joseph of Arimathea
- Joseph of Arimathea
- Joseph of Arimathea – pt2
- Joseph of Arimathea – pt3
- Joseph of Arimathea – pt4
- Joseph of Arimathea – pt5
- Joseph of Arimathea – pt6
- Joseph of Arimathea – pt7
- Joseph of Arimathea – pt8
- Joseph of Arimathea – pt9
- Joseph of Arimathea – pt10
- Joseph of Arimathea – pt11a
- Joseph of Arimathea – pt11b
- Joseph of Arimathea – pt11c
- Appendix-12 -The Attempt to Destroy David’s Lineage
- Appendix-13 -The Nobility Also Jewish